Library Cataloging Resources
Library of Congress Pages and Tools
Bicentennial Conference on Bibliographic Control for the New Millennium
Confronting the Challenges of Networked Resources and the Web
Sponsored by the Library of Congress Cataloging Directorate
Library of Congress Authorities
" can browse and display authority headings for Subject, Name, Title and Name/Title combinations. You can also download authority records in MARC format for use in a local library system. This service is being offered on a trial basis so that we can assess its usefulness and impact."
Library of Congress Standards
"Several of the following are key standards used in the information community that are maintained by the Library of Congress. Their Web pages supply information on their maintenance and use. Other links below connect to information on the Library's collection of standards and key standards-settings organizations."
Additional Resources
Cataloging & Metadata Resources
A Companion Site for Organizing Audiovisual and Electronic Resources, By Ingrid Hsieh-Yee.
Sections include Keeping Current ; Cataloging Aids & Tools ; Cataloging Standards ; Organizing Internet Resources.
A Guide to the Description of Architectural Drawings
Getty Standards Program
"The Guide address two basic questions: What types of information should be recorded? [and] How should the information be recorded?"
Harmonization of Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules and Russian Cataloguing Rules
Index Using Mathematics Subject Classification
"The index pages at this site are organized according to the Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) scheme...Alternative hierarchies to sort through the mathematical landscape are provided..."
By David Rusin
Technical Processing Online Tools (TPOT)
Written for the UC San Diego Library system but contains a lot of useful general cataloging information
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