September 11 Aftermath - Post 9-11 Reactions

See also

[The 9-11 Commission] National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
" chartered to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks. The Commission is also mandated to provide recommendations designed to guard against future attacks."

  • Hearings
    "Staff statements, prepared testimony, archived video, and transcripts will be posted in the online archive as they become available.
    • Staff Statement No. 15: Overview of the Enemy - (dead link) (June 16, 20004)
    • Staff Statement No. 16: Outline of the 9/11 Plot - (dead link) (June 16, 2004)

The President's Daily Brief
Documents: The 6 August 2001 PDB headlined "Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US."
- National Security Archive, George Washington University

[U.S.] Congressional Reports

The Aftermath

FirstGov - America Responds
Sections include: Protect Yourself ; Travel Safely ; Help Your Country

  • Government Agencies Perform After September 11, 2001 - (dead link)

International Freedom Center
"The International Freedom Centeróa multi-dimensional cultural institution combining history, education and engagementówill be an integral part of the living memorial to September 11. Rising from the hallowed ground of the World Trade Center site, it will serve as the complement, and its building as the gateway, to the World Trade Center Memorial, playing a leading role in the Memorialís mission to "strengthen our resolve to preserve freedom, and inspire an end to hatred, ignorance, and intolerance.'"

New World Trade Center Designs
View the winning design
- Lower

World Trade Center Site Memorial Competition
Future Memorial for World Trade Center Site Winner - Reflecting Absence.
In addition to the winner you can view all 5,201 submissions from the Virtual Exhibit.

9.11 Moments - Response to September 11
The events of September 11, 2001 continue to change the world for Americans in ways we have yet to experience or comprehend. As our nation struggles to heal from the pain and loss, we are re-defining ways of looking at ourselves and at others in our global community...ITVS is proud to present 9.11 moments, 34 short videos which capture timely and heartfelt reactions to the tragedy that shook the world.

The American Muslim (TAM)
"...provide a balanced, moderate, alternative voice focusing on the spiritual, dimension of Islam rather than the more often heard voice of extreme political Islamism."

  • September 2002 Issue
    "A special issue of The American Muslim in memory of the victims of the September 11th terrorist attack is now online at This issue includes articles by Muslims and non-Muslims and even a few articles that are not on this topic. However, primarily we have a tremendous collection of articles which may be of particular interest to those who have asked 'Where is the Muslim response?'"

Arab-American Business
The Magazine For A Culture Of Success

  • Special Report: Who Are We? - (dead link) (November 2001)
  • Arab-American Community, Businesses Feel Besieged in Aftermath of Terrorist Attack - (dead link) (October 2001)

Arab American Institute (AAI)

  • Educational Materials on Arab Americans - (dead link)
    "The Arab American Institute Foundation has put together a resource packet on Arab Americans, the Middle East, and Islam."
    Includes articles on Arab American experiences after September 11th.
  • In the Aftermath of September 11 - (dead link)
    Marking the one-year anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Arab-American Journal - (dead link)

  • September 11 Issues - (dead link)

" a leading magazine of design and building, providing news and features weekly on architecture and construction, digital media, and building culture. We set a new standard for accessible, frank, accurate, probing, integrated, and inclusive coverage of the built environment."

Chicago Historical Society

Children's Reactions to the World Trade Center Disaster September 11, 2001
Tree of Hope: Children's Response to the WTC Disaster
"Many children welcomed an opportunity to express their own feelings of love, fear, anger, hope, and determination-- through drawings and written reflections on table cloths and posters, or by creating a box of hope, a paper sculpture, or a message on a leaf, placed on a 'Tree of Hope'.
By Dr. Michael Fenichel In-Dept - War Against Terror
Sections include: Front Lines ; America at Home ; Victims ; Battlefield ; Interactives ; Video ; Other Sections.

Council on Foreign Relations

  • Terrorism: Questions & Answers
    "If youíre bewildered by anthrax, Afghanistan, and a lot else thatís happened since September 11, join the crowd. Our aim is to help sort it all out for youóin a question-and-answer format thatís authoritative, easily understandable, and nonpartisan."
    Sections include: Afghanistan ; What is Terrorism? ; Terrorist Groups ; State Sponsors of Terrorism ; Havens for Terrorism ; Coalition States ; Weapons of Mass Destruction ; Homeland Security ; Causes of 9/11 ; Policy After 9/11.

Face to Face
Stories from the Aftermath of Infamy
"...explores what it means to be an American with the face of the enemy [Japanese American in 1941 and Arab American in 2001]. These are real stories of fear, anger, hatred, loyalty and trust."
Sections include: Stories [12.7.41 & 9.11.01 ; Aftermath ; Fear ; FBI Investigation ; Internment ; Anger ; Loss ; Identity ; Being American ; Never Again] ; Responses ; Glossary ; Activities.
- Independent Television Service (ITVS) - 9-11 Coverage
Sections include: The Victims ; Photos & Images ; Memorial Services ; News Stories ; WTC: Their Story ; Related Links ; Discuss 9/11 ; One Year Later.

From Anthrax to Anxiety: A Health Guide for Uncertain Times
"One year after 9/11, the physical and emotional consequences of terrorism still touch us all. Mayo Clinic offers the following information to help you during these trying times."

International Center of Photography
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

  • September 11 Aftermath
    "In response to the rapidly changing circumstances confronting the nation, is providing special coverage of the issues and debates now shaping health policy." - September 11 & Beyond - (dead link)
Librarians' Index to the Internet
Major sections include: The Attacks ; Rebuilding & Remembering ; War & Peace.

Looking Back: 9/11 Across America - (dead link)
An Acoustic Exhibit Presenting American Voices in the Aftermath of Attack
"These voicesófrom California, Iowa, Minnesota, Florida, Connecticut, Maryland, and other placesóidn't [sic] make the evening news; they express sentiments from quieter vantage points, showing the deep impact of the tragedy on everyday life across America."
- Center for Documentary Studies, Duke University

Lower Manhattan Development Corporation - LMDC
Sections include: Get There & Get Around ; Health, Safety & Security ; Rebuilding ; Assistance & Incentives ; Get Involved ; Things to Do ; History.

National Academy of Social Insurance

Nation Public Radio (NPR) - The

  • The Widows of 9-11 [audio]
    "'In this special two-hour Connection [from February 17, 2004] we are broadcasting live from New York City. It is a chance to meet four women whose husbands died on 9-11, and who in banding together, changed their own lives and gave new meaning to what it means to be a citizen. They call themselves "Just Four Moms from New Jersey.'"

New York City Department of Environmental Projection - (dead link)

  • Air Monitoring in Lower Manhattan - (dead link)
    "DEP monitored the ambient outdoor air for asbestos following the World Trade Center (WTC) disaster. This effort augmented ambient air asbestos sampling performed by the EPA and other state and city agencies."

New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) - (dead link)

  • DOHMH Continues to Respond to the WTC Disaster - (dead link)

New York City Fire Department (FDNY)

New York Historical Society

  • Beyond Ground Zero - (dead link)
  • The Forensic Science of Disaster Recovery
    is comprised of images taken by photojournalist Richard Press at the NYC Medical Examinerís Office and Fresh Killís landfill in the months since September. The photographs document and describe the efforts of investigators and forensic experts to find and identify victims of the WTC disaster...They offer a rare view into the largest investigation in the history of forensic science while examining how a technological society copes with disaster."
  • In the Light of Memory - (dead link)
    A Spherical Panorama from the South Tower, World Trade Center by Christopher Evans.
  • Twin Towers Remembered - (dead link)
    The Photography of Camilo Jose Vergara
    "The exhibition includes photos from far-off neighborhoods in New Jersey and the outer boroughs, from ferry boats on New York Harbor, from ìbelowî on the plaza, and from within the Twin Towers themselves. What emerges in The Twin Towers Remembered is a comprehensive index of the myriad ways (emotionally, geographically, intellectually) that the people of greater NYC and their visitors defined themselves in relation to the cityís most prominent landmark."
  • Pilgrimage: Looking at Ground Zero - (dead link)
    "Kevin Bubriskiís photo essay Pilgrimage: Looking at Ground Zero concentrates on the stunned visages of some of the thousands of people who made the trek to Ground Zero in the weeks following the attack. In these photos, the World Trade Center is nowhere in evidence, except in the expressions on the faces of the people now confronting the sight of its obliteration."

New York New Visions
" a coalition of 20 architecture, planning, and design organizations that came together immediately following the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. This group, representing over 30,000 individuals, has pooled the collective resources and technical expertise of over 350 professionals and civic group leaders in a pro-bono effort to address the issues surrounding the rebuilding of Lower Manhattan."

NYC Services Center - 9/11
Official city government WTC disaster assistance and business rebuilding site.

Nine Eleven History Dot Net (
"A resource for historians, museums, archives, and other collecting institutions on preserving and interpreting the physical evidence of the September 11 attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center."

PBS - American Rebuilds (September 2002)
"...offers a sensitive, comprehensive portrait of the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attack on New Yorkís World Trade Center and the beginning of the effort to rebuild the 16 acres of lower Manhattan devastated on that day."
Sections include: Ground Zero Profiles ; Engineering the Clean-Up ; Video Stories ; Artifacts ; Imagining the Future ; Dialog.

PBS - NOVA - Building on Ground Zero
"Can lessons learned from the Twin Towers collapse make new building safer?"
Companion to the PBS broadcast September 2006.
Sections include: Impact to Collapse ; The Tallest Tower ; 9/11 Conspiracy Theories ; Outfitting Firefighters ; Towers of Innovation ; The Stucture of Metal ; Links ; Teacher's Guide.

PBS - Caught in the Crossfire
"Since the tragic events of September 11, a spotlight has been shone on Arab immigrants as never before. Follow the lives of three diverse Arab Americans living in New York City as they struggle to negotiate life in a changed America."
Sections include: The Story ; The People ; Their Homelands ; Arab Americans ; After 9/11: Stories ; Resources.

Peaceful Tomorrows
" an advocacy organization founded by family members of September Eleventh victims. Its mission is to seek effective nonviolent responses to terrorism, and identify a commonality with all people similarly affected by violence throughout the world. By conscientiously exploring peaceful options in our search for justice, we choose to spare additional innocent families the suffering that we have already experiencedóas well as to break the endless cycle of violence and retaliation engendered by war."

Post-9/11 Poetry Resources
- The Academy of American Poets

September 11: Bearing Witness to History
"Soon after September 11, the National Museum of American History began collecting objects to document the attacks and their aftermath...View the Museum's collection of September 11 related objects and hear stories about them from curators and donors."
- Smithsonian Institution - National Museum of American History

September 11: One Year Viewed From Space - (dead link)
"To commemorate the one-year anniversary of September 11, Space Imaging is offering the following digital archive of pre- and post-attack images of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon."

September 11 Tragedy: News and Information Sources
Sections includes: News ; Official Government Information and Documents ; Websites ; Legal Resources ; Other Library Guides ; Books and Other Material ; Bioterrorism ; Coping with Traumatic Events.
By Cheryl Nyberg, Reference Librarian, Gallagher Law Library, University of Washington.

The September Project
" a collection of people, groups, and organizations working to create a day of engagement, a day of conversation, a day of democracy" at your local library.

The Sonic Memorial Project is an open archive and an online audio installation of the history of The World Trade Center. We are continuing to collect stories, ambient sounds, voicemails, and archival recordings to tell the rich history of the twin towers, the neighborhood and the events of 9/11....Led by NPR's Lost & Found Sound, The Sonic Memorial Project is a cross-media collaboration of more than 50 independent radio and new media producers, artists, historians, and people from around the world who have contributed personal and archival recordings."

Special Libraries Association - September 11th Resources
"This page is a collection of resources related to the events of September 11, 2001, as complied by Jessica Baumgart, Jennifer Jack, and other contributors."

Understanding American After 9/11
A Public Radio Collaboration
"This coverage begins on Tuesday, September 3, and continues through Tuesday, September 10, 2002. Participating public radio stations are weaving stories from communities around the country with their own local stories, talk shows, documentaries, and call-in programs focusing on the impact of September 11."
Sections include: Specials & Documentaries ; Short Features ; Live Events ; Commentaries & Essays ; Cultural Programs.

United States Government - see our page.

University of Illinois - Graduate School of Library and Information Science

University of Minnesota Academic Health Center - Center for Infectious Disease Research And Policy (CIDRAP)
Sections include: Bioterrorism: General Bioterrorism Info ; Anthrax ; Botulism ; Plague ; Smallpox ; Tularemia ; VHF. Food Safety: General Information ; Biosecurity ; Irradiation ; Foodborne Disease.

W.H. Auden - September 1, 1939
Poem often noted in regarding the events of September 11, 2001.

Witness and Response: September 11 Acquisitions at the Library of Congress
"Over the past year and in almost every section of the Library of Congress, staff have sought and received an abundance of original material including prints, photographs, drawings, poems, eye-witness accounts and personal reactions, headlines, books, magazines, songs, maps, videotapes and films."
- Library of Congress Exhibition

World Trade Center Site Memorial Competition
Future Memorial for World Trade Center Site Winner - Reflecting Absence.
In addition to the winner you can view all 5,201 submissions from the Virtual Exhibit.

See also

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