Online Bachelor's Degrees from Accredited Colleges

The Bachelor's Degree is an undergraduate academic degree that is typically designed to be completed in four years of full-time study. However, certain programs such as architecture or engineering will take five. Additionally there are some colleges and universities that allow ambitious students to complete the course of study in only three years. The Bachelor's Degree may also refer to the name of postgraduate degrees, such as Bachelor of Civil Law, Bachelor of Music, or Bachelor of Philosophy.

Bachelor's Degree Degree Programs

More on Bachelor Degrees

Types of Bachelor's Degrees

As there are numerous courses of study in every program, which is also applicable when earning a Bachelor Degree. They are also available through numerous many accredited colleges and universities and could include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Arts and Humanities
  • Business
  • Computers and IT
  • Education and Teaching
  • Health and Medicine
  • Science and Engineering
  • Social Sciences
  • Trades and Careers

Educational Requirements

The educational requirements are generally classified in one of two categories.  There are general educational requirements which are subjects every student must take in order to graduate.  Then there are the required core subjects which are those courses that directly relate to the Bachelor's degree they are pursuing.

General Education Requirements

  • Art and Humanities
  • Composition - regular and advanced
  • Cultural Studies - Non-Western / US Minority Culture
  • Cultural Studies - Western / Comparative Cultures
  • English Composition
  • Language Requirement
  • Mathematics
  • Natural Sciences and Technology
  • Physical Education
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Speech

Required Core Subjects

Required core subjects differ based on the Bachelor's degree you are earning.  Despite the fact that the general education requirements remain the same through most of the accredited colleges and universities you can enroll in through this site, your required core subjects are mandated by the curriculum you choose.  For information on required core subjects please see your particular degree curriculum.

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